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3 Courses

The Expert Brand
Coaching Skills & Business Skills
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Facilitator: Dr.Ahmed MagdyFacilitator: Mohamed Tohami

The Expert Brand

 If you have experience or knowledge in a specific field, and want to use it to achieve continuous and stable income, and are eager to become a famous and acceptable expert in your field, then you need the “Building Business and Brand Expert” program, which is a practical and comprehensive training program that aims to help you define an idea Create your own business, create products or services that meet the needs of your target audience, launch effective marketing campaigns to increase your sales and fame, build strong relationships with your customers and partners, and create a personal brand that distinguishes you from your competitors. After completing the program, you will receive an accredited certificate proving that you have acquired the skills necessary to build an expert business and brand. Do not miss this amazing opportunity, and register now in the “Business and Brand Expert” program, and start your journey towards excellence and success.  

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    Advanced Coaching Skills
    Coaching Skills & Business Skills
    Preview Course

    Facilitator: Dr.Ahmed Magdy

    Advanced Coaching Skills

     Coaching is a collaborative process that aims to enable the client to achieve the best results in their personal and professional lives. Coaching is also a valuable skill for leaders, managers, and coaches, as it helps them develop their teams and increase their productivity and creativity. 

    If you want to learn this great skill, you need the Advanced Coaching Skills program, which is a practical and comprehensive training program that will provide you with the tools and skills needed to coach effectively and creatively. Start your journey towards development and creativity.   

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  • InvitationENROLL
    How To Write A Book?
    Coaching Skills & Business Skills
    Preview Course

    Facilitator: Dr.Ahmed Magdy

    How To Write A Book?


    Writing a book is one of the most rewarding and challenging things you can do as a writer. But how do you go from having an idea to holding a published book in your hands? In this program, you will learn how to write a book from start to finish with expert guidance and support. You'll learn how to develop your idea into an engaging introduction, outline your story or key points, write clearly and confidently, and edit and proofread your work until it's ready for publication.



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