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Active Listening During Coaching Session

Active Listening During Coaching Session


In a coaching session, there is nothing more important than active listening where the coach listens to what is said and what is not being said. 

During a coaching session, active listening perceives every breath, gesture, word, and movement as a queue to dive and probe deeper into a more sensitive area, granted the client’s permission. 

It is a system to fully understand what is being communicated from the client in the coaching session while taking into account the client’s systems to support the client’s freedom of self-expression. 

One of the most intriguing coaching techniques in the coaching session which impress clients very much is the use of their own words while summarizing their long answers. 

It makes them feel like they have been listened to the whole session which is their top struggle outside the coaching session. 

But before knowing to be an active listener you need to discover yourself more from within and you can do so through Discover Yourself- The Art of self-Awareness

Why Is Active Listening Important In the Coaching Session? 

It helps them listen to themselves all over again which gives them a deeper reflection of everything that they have said. 

Listening actively teaches the coach more about his client which makes him notice that there is always more to what the client is saying that has not been said yet. 

As clients could be struggling with their self-esteem or self-worth, active listening would help the coaches acknowledge the client’s uniqueness, talents and values portrayed in their words. 

Such motivation would help the client express more and be more vulnerable in the coaching session, as a result, the client would share more emotions and would explore further energy shifts during the coaching conversation. 

Such understanding of all those verbal and non-verbal cues would be noted and registered by the coach and demonstrated in the form of powerful questioning that helps the clients reach their maximum potential. 

Repeating The Client’s Same Words Is Good 

When repeating the client’s words, it is very important to do so in the same tone of voice and body language that was used at the time when the words were said and expressed. 

This will empower the client, increase their feeling of safety in the session, and would help them build deeper trust with the coach. Such a technique makes the client feel extremely appreciated as he knows that there are dedicated ears for the next sixty minutes in the coaching conversation who are willing to listen all day. 

Things You Should Notice During Coaching Session  

For tips and tricks for coaches .. You go through our course Advanced Coaching Skills

When actively listening, it is very important to notice the different patterns in the client’s words to help him connect the dots and reach a powerful AHA moment! 

Most importantly, a successful coach must keep an auditory record of the repeated words that a client says as they always expose the true values and motives behind a client’s words and intentions. 

They help the coach find the real issue which is rarely the first issue, to begin with. Once again, active listening is the key to powerful questioning that will help the client unleash their maximum potential. 

It is the way of asking “Client-Based questions” instead of “Coach-Based Questions.” It is the key to bringing out the most from a client by asking powerful questions from their answers and not from the coach’s repository of questions.

Active listening will foster a culture of trust and respect in the agreement as the coach would be recognizing matters from the client’s perspective which will help the coach become more responsive and not reactive. 



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